Welcome Baby Jack!
Rebecca, Grace and I are thrilled to announce that Jack Robert Leger and his chubby yummy legs arrived in this world at 12:54 PM today weighing 10 pounds, 2 ounces and 19 inches long. We couldn't be more excited. He is a vision on perfection, matched only by his big sister and beautiful, courageous mother. Rebecca did marvelously and is now feeding and cuddling our miracle.
More pictures to come...
Yeah, he is here! Congratulations – he is beautiful!
three BIG cheers for baby jack and mom!! a job well done. what a miracle to behold ;-)
he is just the picture of perfection.
congratulations to one-and-all.
love, elsie
Outstanding! Congratulations to Bob & Rebecca in welcoming that beautiful boy to your family. I am so pleased and excited that Jack is finally here and I can't wait to meet him. He is already a "go-getter", tipping the scale at over ten pounds! What a wonderful day it truly is. Baby Jack is already blessed because he has such a wonderful mother. I am just so proud and happy for Rebecca. Somedays it just seems like yesterday that we were walking home together after the school bus dropped us off. Always thinking that Rebecca would be a great mother, yet thinking it would be an eternity away, some day in the future. It seems too good to be true to have both Grace and now baby Jack with us-yet life truly can be that wonderful! Here's wishing rest for Rebecca before going home and the adventure that awaits with the dynamic duo. A special message for Bob: Congratulations and are you stocked up on baseball bats,gloves, and hats for your future MVP slugger!?
Love, Uncle(now twice over!) Adam
Congratulations! What a beautiful baby boy... He'll soon know what a special family he has been born into, lucky boy! I'm sure big sister Grace, Maddy and Poppy are planning quite a homecoming! Take care...
Welcome to your world baby Jack! Welcome to your world!
A warm Congratulation to Rebecca and Bob on the newest addition to your amazing family!
Congratulations!!! And now the Adventure begins... having 2 children is a BLAST =) Enjoy the adventure!
I think that the more we have to love, the faster time flies by....so don't blink!!
Wishing you Much Love, Rest, Health, Peace, and Super Fun Memories with your 2 Beautiful Children,
Congradulations Ledger family on the the birth of little Jack.
We Love Our New Baby Jack soooo much! We are at the hospital and just held and hugged and kissed Jack over and over. He is such a beautiful baby. Grace made presents for Mommy, Daddy, and Jack this morning to bring to the hospital. We are still "in the dark" at home but the light of love is shinning brightly for all of us.
The Christmas season is magical and full of wonder, and Jack's birth is the embodiment of it.
He is gorgeous, every little part of him. Amazing, that after going through such a startling change in his world, he looks so peaceful and content and so perfect.
Loving congratulations, Rebecca, Rob, and Grace,
Memere and Pepere
Welcome Jack,
Congratulations Rebecca and Bob and Rebecca---He is
beautiful. Give him a hug and kiss from Aunt Judy
Love you guys
Aune Judy
Wow! Baby Jack Robert Leger is a Boucing, Beautiful, Bountiful Baby Boy!!! He is Amazing! How Perfect! We are so Excited for Everyone! Congratulations especially to Rob and Rebecca and Big Sister Grace!!! Gracie Girl is sure to show Jack all the ropes - everything he needs to learn and more!!! We are especially excited that Jack was born on Rose's birthday - what a special bond they will share! Grace and Kimberlee were both born on the 2nd (Kim in November and Grace in Sagitarius December with Auntie Allison, Cousins Rose and Heather and Sarah Prunier!) We were Amazed that Jack stayed warm and cozy inside Rebecca until the last possible second - wew were sure that he would come earlier than expected! He must have been enjoying all his nutrition and quiet sleep! We pray for all of you to be able to continue resting with peaceful Silent Nights of sleep! What a very Special early Christmas present for all of us! When this crazy ice and snow weather has departed we will be up to Maine to see the newest Baby Leger and the fun family of four! Congratulations also to Memere and Pepere and Maddy and Poppy for being Blessed with a Grandson - their first Angel Boy! Love, Hugs & Kisses to all of you, Love, Auntie Allison, Uncle Steven, Cousin Rose & Cousin Kimberlee!!!!!
These pictures are an incredible recounting of this historical moment. They speak volumes.
Congratulations again and again.
With love and gratitude,
lol,so nice
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