The Bouncy Seat!
Today was the first day that Jack was introduced to his bouncy seat. He loved it!
Since Jack was sleeping when Grace woke up from her nap, I put him in his bouncy seat while Grace and I read books together in an adjacent chair. After Grace and I finished each book, she would jump down from my lap to check on "Jack-Jack." Each time Grace checked on Jack she said, "Jack-Jack is STILL sleeping!" Toward the end of our book time, Jack made several baby noises in his sleep. Each time we heard Jack, Grace quickly ran to Jack's side and excitedly said, "Jack-Jack is waking up. Hooray!"
Wow, Rebecca, just a little over half a day all by yourself and you were able to read books with Grace and have Jack-Jack cozy AND the two children interacting---you are such an amazement to me. I am hoping though, that YOU are taking the very, very BEST care of yourself when you have ANY free moments. I know that those two babies are getting everything that they need and it is YOU who I am MOST concerned (and quite worried) about right now. REST, REST when you can and DO NOT try to do TOO much. Believe me (from LOTS of experience) the things NEVER go away and there is always things to do. So, now is the time to take care of YOU, my daughter. Tell Grace that I am thinking about Humpty Dumpty and "egg facts" and tell Jack-Jack that am wondering if he likes his seat to be still or vibrating(!). Wishing you all a wonderful visit with Bob's family today. Try to get a picture of all four grandchildren together! Love and love and more love, Maddy
Bob & Rebecca, thank you, thank you for all of the sweetest memories I have had since Adam and Rebecca were little ones. Oh, by the way, as of right now, my iPod is working in German!! I have lots to learn about pressing buttons, please have Grace phone me with some help!
Jack-Jack will be receiving some extra special attention now that Grace is invested in his general well being. She should be deputized as his special babysitter. I am sure that Grace will be keeping Rebecca updated on any status change that her brother is experiencing. Keep up the watchful eyes Grace.
Love, Uncle Adam
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