Having Fun On A Rainy Day
We decided to make the most of our rainy day by doing a rainy day art project! Grace stamped different colored dot markers onto coffee filters. We went outside in between rain showers this morning and used clothespins to attach the coffee filters to a small tree branch. We will go outside later this afternoon to see what the rain does to the marker dots. I asked Grace to predict what she think will happen and she said, "Mommy, I think all the marker dots will melt!" What a great prediction!
That has to be one of the greatest rainy days ideas ever.
Grace, I bet that you are correct.
Now it's dot art, next it might be splosh art. Two art projects in one, plus a science activity. Yeah for you and for your Mom!
Oh, I want to see how they looked after the rain!
Just a great lesson. Even the action of opening the clothespins is a skill in itself. The colors look beautiful this time of year...especially our Colorful Grace! She is a scientist, making predictions, that's what they do all the time!
What a lesson.
Full of Girl Love,
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