I always have lots of paint samples on hand. You can do SO MUCH with them! We were all quite excited to get back outside today after being inside most of yesterday during the storm. Before going out this morning, I placed a pile of paint samples on our art table. I asked Grace and Jack to choose some colors. Next, they used a hole punch to make a hole at the top of their paint sample cards. They placed all of their cards on a ring. Grace and Jack couldn't wait to hear what they were going to do with their color rings. The purpose of this activity was for us to go outside to try to match all of the colors on their paint sample color rings to colors found in nature!

Here is Jack's color ring. I love how the Better Homes paint samples have perforated circles in them. Removing the circles, hole punching and placing the cards on a ring was also a great fine motor activity!
Below are some pictures of Grace and Jack outside color matching. This activity was an instant hit!

Once Grace and Jack found items in nature that matched to their paint samples they brought their items to Eve. Eve had her own set of paint samples and Grace and Jack were so sweet talking to Eve all about colors and helping her to match the items to her paint samples! Eve also loved playing with the color swatches.

After the outdoor color matching activity we all went on a nature walk to pick wildflowers. Once we arrived home we placed our flowers in a glass jar and cut up more paint samples that matched to the colors of the flowers we picked! Many of our flowers were ones that bloomed from the seed orbs that Maddy gave us. Grace and Jack planted the orbs on the first day of summer. Click here to see!
1 comment:
What a wonderful idea, Rebecca. You make me want to go out and gather up some paint chip samples and wander around our neighborhood. I really do so love this idea!
Grace and Jack are such intrepid explorers. And, Eve! Just look at her joining right in and being so grown up! I loved how you referred to the "sweet talking". I can hear it all the way here! ♥♥
The orbs grew such amazing flowers. I'll be certain to do this every Spring. Love to each of my little flowers ..... blooming and growing.
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