Grace has been attending Middlebury's Festival on the Green week for a few years now! She looks forward to this week all year long too. Grace loves everything about the Festival.
You can see Maddy with her purple glasses in the background of this picture too! :)

Baby Eve fell asleep in the arms of Poppy towards the end of the first performance at the Festival. So much excitement!!!

Here are Jack and Poppy crossing the street in Middlebury after the Festival. These two are so much alike -- they both love orange, clocks, walking sticks, maps and pens.
More pictures from our fun-filled week in Vermont tomorrow!
It was a Memorable-Monday! Isn't the Festival on the Green just the great event ever!
We loved taking Adam and Rebecca as children. They would take piles of books and sit on the picnic blanket and read and snack and listen to music until way after dark. Then we would take two sleepy children home to bed on hot Summery nights. We lived 30 minutes away back then. Some of my most heartfelt memories!
Way back then, I distinctly remember watching all the babies and little grandchildren of folks and would secretly plan in my mind that 'someday' I just might have Grandchildren to take to the Festival. I find it all so surreal. Somedays I still feel as though my own children are with us there on that blanket and I almost have to take a deep breath and bring myself back to today and know that we have 3 beautiful, amazing, and wonderful Grandchildren of our very own! Oh, this life of ours and time.
Eve is the best baby I have ever, ever since in my live long days! She is so patient and sweet and that smile of hers melts hearts and those big, big blue eyes are filled with wonder. Don't get too big too fast, my bebe.
Jack is my most favorite little boy in this whole wide world. He is so huggable and kissable...who could resist that face and those cheeks and those blue/green eyes of his. I love playing trucks and cars and building with Jack. Those fingers of his are works of art. He uses them with such persision. You are right Poppy and Jack do share a lots of the same interests.
Grace is waaaayyyy toooo hard to describe. She has many layers. She is full of life and has an interest in every aspect of it. Once she learns about a new concept or topic, our Gracie Girl will ask the most intense questions and continue building those steps in her mind. I constantly learn from her. She is such an inspiration.
Okay, enough all ready, I'm certain you're saying! I guess I'm just feeling quite bittersweet this morning after our remarkable visit last week and viewing these images today.
Loving each and every innate beauty of each Grandchild, Maddy
This is what memories look like, the pick me up-stay with me always-heart and soul memories. Pleasure, sheer delight!
With love and gratitude for being you, and for all that you share,
Dear Jack,
Just wanted to tell you that I love orange too. It is my favorite color. Also, one of my most precious possessions is my grandfather's clock that is in my dining room. I loved seeing the pictures of you and Poppy. Have a great day. Tell your sisters I said hello.
Aunt Melinda in Delaware.
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