Grace explained to Jack how she had fed the pigs all week.

Grace and Jack climbed right in with the pigs to get a closer look. I love how Broadturn Farm encourages children and visitors to interact with the animals.

Memere was with us on Friday so she was able to see where Grace had spent her amazing week at Broadturn camp. In the picture above, Grace was leading the way to show us the sheep but Jack stopped for a moment to let us know that he had lost one of his shoes!

One of the most exciting parts of our tour was when Grace and Jack got to sit on one of the farm tractors! They even got to beep the tractor's horn several times.

Sweet Eve slept through Grace's farm tour. Eve couldn't have chose a more beautiful place to nap! I know Grace will be very excited to give Eve her own tour of the farm some time very soon.

It was very sweet of Grace to hold Jack's hand throughout the tour. They looked so cute holding hands together!

Grace and Jack enjoyed playing together on this trailer wagon.

Grace showed us the way to the chicken coop. On the way we met a cow named Lucy and a baby calf named Peach.

Grace and Peach!

Jack and Lucy!

Grace was very excited to show us the chickens. Grace described to us how she collected eggs every morning.

In the picture above, Grace is inside of the chicken coop with one of her camper friends. Jack watches closely while Grace looks for eggs.

Jack looks on while Grace discovers an egg.

Grace brought one of the eggs she found to Jack so that he could hold it!

One of my favorite parts of our tour was when Grace took us inside of the barn. It is here where we met up with the farm dog, some chickens and Lucy cow. In the picture above, Grace is describing to Memere how to milk a cow.

Grace showed us how to milk a cow!

1 comment:
Loving everything about this tour. I almost felt as if I were there. What a week -- I cannot wait to talk with Grace, Jack, and Baby Eve about Broadturn Farm. I love the way Jack is taking it all in and just waiting for his turn to go when he is a bit older [loving that missing show of his, too!]. Even though Eve was asleep she was absorbing all the sounds and smells of your tour, as she always does. Grace is just so amazing with her knowledge and love of nature. What a family you have!
Happy 4th of July! Will you attend a parade today? I know how much the children love a parade!
Love full of sparking fireworks to you all,
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