"Hello Big Girl Bed!"
After a mere 75 minutes of screwing, re-screwing, a few mumbled Big Boy words, and some stellar team work - the Big Girl Bed was complete! For Dads that will tackle this process in the future - when you see the word "simply," in instructionlogy this means that you better read this twice and engage help from someone who knows what they are doing ASAP. Also, when you read "you may need to apply some force" - you will either need a four wheel drive vehicle with a warn winch or a block and pulley system worthy of the Smithsonian.
No Big Girl Bed would complete with the Ellllllllaaaaaaaas!
Gracie girl was thrilled with the result ..... and the Friends agreed this was a bed worthy of our little Princess.
Grace laid down in her big girl bed like a practiced veteran.
Grace then put an Ella next to her head, rolled onto her side, and got ready for sleep. Rebecca and I were very anxious about how well Grace would sleep in her new bed. With typical Grace courage and assent she acted as though she had been doing this for 2 years, 2 months, and 19 days. We listened intently to the monitor, waiting for any sounds of distress. Instead we heard Grace joyously singing, "Bye-bye crib, bye-bye crib, bye-bye crib. Hello big girl bed, hello big girl bed, hello big girl bed it's nice to see you" and we didn't hear another peep until morning!
Grace's room is the cutest little girl room in the whole world! She and the Ellas look ready for many, many sweet dreams in the new big girl bed!
We laughed and laughed at Bob's story about putting the bed together! Grace is so cute in her bed. I would love to hear what she has to say about all of the Ellas sleeping in her Big Girl Bed, too. We are so excited about our next visit to actually see our Grace in her pretty bed. Her room does look so super-cute!
We Love You All SO Much, xo
PS~I'll get going on those new pillowcases and curtains this week :)
PS PS~I just KNEW that Grace would make a perfect transition!! :) :)
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