Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Music Group

Grace and I look really look forward to her music group each week. The music group emphasizes actual music experiences through fun and playful activities. The program also strongly encourages musical activities at home within the context of daily life, which is perfect for us because music is & always has been such a huge part of our life with Grace. At the end of every group the children are encouraged to play the instrument that the instructor used throughout the music group. Here, Grace was thrilled to play the keyboard where she had a great time experimenting with the many different sounds the keyboard could produce!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Sweetness,
Poppy and I are so grateful that we were able to attend a Music Group session with you while we were at your home. We enjoyed seeing you show your true colors....while dancing, singing, clapping, and moving.
It is tremendous that music plays such a big part in your life. You have so many songs in your repertoire and your basket of instruments is fantastic. We all sing so many of your songs everyday now! Even Uncle Adam is still singing "apples and bananas"! And your piano concert was irresistible. What a joy to have music in your life forever.
Brava, Brava!! Bella!
Yours Forever in Music,
LOVE, Maddy

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