Matching & Sorting
Grace does a great job sorting and matching and these are two activities that she loves to do. Grace practiced sorting different shaped blocks by color today. Once Grace sorted the blocks into their corresponding color bowls she really enjoyed emptying them and saying, "Oh no!" and "clean up!" Grace then began sorting the blocks over again all by herself. I am so glad that Grace loves to clean up because it provides so many learning opportunities. Grace also enjoys matching. She matches colors, shapes, pictures, and objects according to size.
I love it so much!
I cannot wait to come and play matching and sorting with Grace. I love matching and sorting things, too! We'll have the best time. I am already thinking of things to sort and match, socks, silverware, pictures..........
Love to Grace and Momma and Dada
Grace, we can help you develop those sorting skills. There's always something to be organized. When you come down, we'll look in the cupboards, especially the plastics one.
Happy times! Happy learning!
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