Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Day

Our Christmas day was spent snowshoeing, playing in the snow, making snow angels, skating on nature made ice rinks, walking through the woods, wagon rides in the snow, searching for animal tracks and warming up by our bonfire. Simply perfect.


maddy, said...

My heart just grew about 10 times larger! Christmas -- spent exactly the way your family should. Outdoors on your wonderful piece of land with your beautiful children loving their new gifts of snow shoes and wagon pullings enjoying nature and warming by the fire.

So simply perfect, just as you said,

ps..that little bottom sitting on a log just about melts that big heart I was speaking of above!

Anonymous said...

"Simply perfect"! Amen to that!
Heart warming, heart throbbing,
a modern day version of a Norman Rockwell classic portrait.

Thank you.

Love across the miles,

Got Gracie, Jack & Eve?