Thursday, February 25, 2010

Rainy Days


splashing in puddles

falling asleep to the pitter patter of raindrops


rain In February! said...

Oh, Grace, you look just like a school girl. When did you get so big? I love these pictures of you in your adorable rain set. You must be having fun with all those puddles and tiny streams.Grace, you have so many things to explore with Jack this Spring and Summer. How much I LOVE You!

I could kiss, kiss, kiss those perfect baby cheeks of Jack's forever. He is so lovable and so perfect. I LOVE Jack So Much! Wait until you wake up, Jack and go have no idea the things that await you now that you are walking! I can't wait to hear all about the adventures you and Grace will have.

Love every single moment of every single day and then some!

Anonymous said...

So cute, and a good visualization of how rain affects us differently.

Grace, you show us what it means to enjoy each moment.

Jack, you look so peaceful and cherubic.

Rebecca, I'm so grateful that you capture these moments for all of us.


Got Gracie, Jack & Eve?