Thursday, April 10, 2008



Anonymous said...

Oooohhhhh, My Dearest Grace,
I can just feel and smell that wonderful sand between your sweet little toes! I think that the beach is the most senational place to be on April 10th. You have the very, very best Mommy for letting you take your socks and shoes off to squish the sand. No matter what the weather is in 2 weeks, I doing it, too!
I Love You Beach Baby,
Your Maddy XO

PS. Tell Mommy that she is the Queen of Kidworld!

Anonymous said...

Dear Grace,
Can you believe, your sweet feet were bundled in warm socks and winter boots a short time ago, as you made your way to your swing? That's what I love about New England...
Please take your Maddy and Poppy to the beach when they visit. Help them smell the salt air, wiggle their toes in the sand and soak up the sun and your love. What better spring refresher could they have...
Hugs & kisses from Vermont,

Got Gracie, Jack & Eve?