Our Saturday plans changed drastically this morning when Jack accidentally slipped off of his stool after breakfast. During the fall, Jack's teeth cut right through his bottom lip. Bob rushed Jack to the emergency room while I stayed with the girls. Bob took these pictures of our sweet Jack-a-roo while he was in the ER this morning.
We sometimes call Jack "tough guy" and he certainly was one tough little boy this morning. Jack never cried after the initial fall. Bob said that Jack smiled and talked right through his first (and hopefully his last) emergency room experience.

Jack ended up needing three stitches to close the wound. They stitches will be removed next Friday. We are all so relieved and happy to have our sweet Jack back home with us now.
All righty, so tuning into this space and seeing that top picture of Jack on that bed in the hospital just about did me in!
I didn't know what to do first -look at the rest of the photos or read about what happened. So, I did the best thing possible...I called out, "Walter, come here quick, Jack is hurt." [now this is where you can picture the two of us crying out in disbelief] After a frantic phone call to find out about our Sweet Jack we are a bit better. As, I told Jack, if we were there he could have the extra large ice-cream cone....I can only believe that lots of cold would help with an injured bottom lip!
I must say though, Jack looks so unbelievably cute, cute, cute in these photos. [it's easy to think this way NOW that we know Roo is doing okay] That little mouth of his is about as captivating as one can possibly get.
I love you BIG Time, Beautiful Boy,
Maddy and Poppy, too
ps--what did Grace have to say about all this!!!!???!!!!
It has be lots!!!!
How is our sweetest little boy in the whole wide world doing today? That's all we are talking about, you know.
My initial reaction mirrored Mary Ann and Walter's. I was stunned and a bit panicked (a bit embarrassed to say given that Jack, Rob, and Rebecca handled the reality of it so calmly).
What a relief to learn that Jack took it as an adventure, and was not traumatized by the experience. That's all that matters, along with his healing.
The idea of an ice cream cone sounds like the perfect antidote
and the best medicine. Grandpepere and Pepere Leger would heartily endorse this course of treatment
suggested by Maddy.
Beaucoup d'amour, XOXOXO,
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