Homemade Silly Putty
We made silly putty yesterday by mixing together 1/2 cup of white glue and 1/2 cup of liquid starch. I have been looking (and looking and looking) for liquid starch for over a year now (!) to use in several craft recipes but I have not been able to find it. I was thrilled to finally find some this past weekend. We now have enough liquid starch to last us many, many years!! Grace added red and yellow food coloring to the silly putty mixture to make it the color of a pumpkin. We let the silly putty set overnight. Grace and Jack LOVED playing with the silly putty this morning. Jack enjoyed squeezing it in his hands and Grace enjoyed stretching it as far as it would go!
I have been meaning to look around here for liquid starch for you but I kept forgetting to look. I am so happy that you finally did find some, and a big bottle at that, by the sounds of it!
I would love to play with some silly putty myself. I even had that as a little girl! I used to pat some on the Sunday Comics(because it came in colored ink...even back then!) and stretch it out and enjoy Popeye and Olive Oil's faces get l-o-n-g.
I didn't even know that there was a recipe to make your very own Silly Putty at home. Leave it to you, Rebecca, to know about that!
Grace and Jack look so thrilled to have pumpkin colored Silly Putty to stretch and squeeze.
I LoVe this idea and the looks on those cUtE faces.
Maddy ^..^
PS-Forgot to say how VERY much I love all four of those hands! Ever since Gracie Girl has been a baby, I have always admired her hands and the way she gently uses them to perfection. Ever since Jack-a-roo has been born I have had equal admiration for his hands and the intricate way he uses them...I could just eat up those wrists of his!
Silly Grace! Silly Jack! Have tons of fun.
Love you much, much farther then you could ever stretch silly putty.
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