Autumn Tree
Gracie girl made this beautiful autumn tree using cardboard and a paper towel roll! Grace painted a paper towel roll with brown paint to make a tree trunk and later cut the top into small strips to form tree branches. Grace then glued her tree onto a small piece of cardboard. As the paint and glue were drying Grace went outside to gather grass, small twigs, leaves, grass, clovers, pine cones, and bark. Grace glued these items to the cardboard base and she also glued small pieces of bark onto the tree trunk. On our nature walk Grace and Jack collected autumn leaves and when we returned home Grace placed them on the branches to complete her autumn tree!
Grace, you are an artist! You chose such pretty colors and mix them just right. This is a beautiful tree and just the right size. It is a keeper tree.
Another Autumn project that is extra-special! I can just picture your home getting cozier and warmer and brighter each day as you bring in pieces of the season. Daddy must love coming in the door at night to see what new decoration you have. I bet he goes to work the next day and tells all his friends!
I just wish we could hear the voices and laughs and conversations that went on while you made your beautiful Autumn tree.
Love, Maddy
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