Eleven Months Old
I can't believe Jack is eleven months old and that he is going to be one next month. Where did baby Jack go?!! He is getting to be such a big boy. Here is an update all about our super sweet Jack-a-roo: - Jack produces ten signs (sign language) including: more, all done, eat, car, truck, fly, shake, dog, jump, up, and hot. Jack's signed productions have increased tremendously over the past month.
- Jack produces several gestures such as waving hello/bye-bye, so big, blowing kisses, clapping, etc. Jack also produces and imitates many song gestures.
- Jack says dada, ah-duh for all done, and duck. He has become much more verbal over the past month as well and he carries on very long conversations. Whenever Jack gets really excited he says, "dut dut dut dut dut" with great enthusiasm!
- Jack continues to be very musical. He loves all music, musical instruments, and he always dances whenever he hears music.
- Jack is standing all by himself for up to 30 seconds at a time. Hooray, Jack! I'll be sure to post a picture of this soon.
- Jack is tentatively trying to take a few steps on his own. He loves to walk pushing a push toy.
- Jack's attention span continues to amaze me - especially how well and how long he attends to books. Some of Jack's favorite books are the following: It's Spring, Richard Scarry's Biggest Word Book Ever, Barnyard Banter, Fruit, I'm as Quick as a Cricket, Beep-Beep Peekaboo, First 100 Words (Bright Baby), Goodnight Moon, and Time for Bed.
- Jack identifies many more body parts, pictures in books, objects around our home, landmarks, and animals.
- Some of Jack's favorite things: smiling, laughing, books, transportation vehicles, climbing the stairs, music, musical instruments, dancing, Grace (anything and everything she does is SO FUNNY!), sliding on our small slide, being outside, our play kitchen, water play, phones, standing with Grace on the learning tower, his Monkey, calendar time, American flags, bead toy, balls, playdough, painting, play silks, sound play, O cereal and puffs.
Happy, Happy Day! I am awed by Jack, first of all, then by how much he knows, does, and says. You can tell that he loves to engage in what is going on around him, either with his attentiveness or participation. What a wonder!
We love you, Jack, and can't believe that it's been eleven months since we first laid eyes on you at Mercy Hospital. Time has wings and flits like a hummingbird.
Tons of hugs and kisses and smiles,
Memere and Pepere
Happy 11th month Birthday, to our ever-dearest Jack!
I loved getting in some baby-loving last week. Time does go by, doesn't it! And, I do so hope that you will stay as cuddly as you are for a long time! I could just squeeze and hug you all day long.
Jack, you are such a beautiful boy. Those sparkling blue eyes of yours are filled with such wonderment. You are full of such a happy spirit. I see that you light up a room and make an impact on everyone around you. I cannot believe how much you are doing. It seems as though I am caught up and then you are off doing more exciting things!
We are so thrilled to have you, Dear Sweet Jack. I am always thinking about 'boy things' now! It has opened up a whole new light for me. I find myself looking at wheels in a different way these days!
I Love You, Jack. You are the sweetest boy ever.
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