Thursday, April 11, 2013

Jack Coloring Easter Eggs!



Maddy to Jack, said...

There's my Boy! I cannot help but smile {BIG} smiles to myself at how Jack is the one with the MOST color on his hands and arms! And how his eggs are the deepest in color *wink* ! That's our boy making his own statement right in the middle of a big sister and a little sister...more winks & smiles!!

Isn't Jack about the cutest most huggable and lovable boy ever?! That face and those cheeks are the best!

I Love Jack so very much,

Anonymous said...

The most handsome and winsome young man I know! He is also a master egg dyer! And, if you're going to play the part, you might as well look the part, colored arms and all.

His eggs are beautifully vivid, great impact. Way to go, Jack!


Got Gracie, Jack & Eve?