Our Jack is very much all boy. He loves cars, trucks, tractors, climbing, digging in dirt, tools, sticks, rocks, and rough play. However, a little bit of Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker music brings out a whole new side of our Jack! After watching Grace dancing in tutus since he was a teeny tiny baby, Jack decided earlier this summer that he would try one out too. The moment Jack hears Tchaikovsky he always says, "Tutu, tutu!" and runs to find this pink tutu to put on while he dances to the ballet music -- just like his big sister!!! After putting on the tutu Jack's next mission is to locate the cymbals from our musical instrument basket. He loves to play the cymbals and make big, loud crashes during the Forest of Fir Trees in Winter movement. :)

Hello Jack:
Looking good! Don't hide your inner moonlight.
You are quite athletic. Don't fall.
Love, Poppy
Oh, Jack, these images will be the "talk" of the family forever!
I'm thinking that you will climb Mt. Everest (you have been climbing with precision since the beginning) or dancing with the New York City Ballet (you have been dancing with the most incredible beat since the beginning) or BOTH!
Tell Daddy & Mama that you need a climbing wall and a dance floor at your new home! Really!
Oh, how I love you, Jack! You are our one and only little baby boy...for I cannot wait to see what your two sisters will do to you sandwiched in the middle!
I Love You, Jack-a-roo,
x for Grace
o for Jack (the only boy)
x for the new baby girl
~ isn't that just perfect for me to write as a closing!
What's in the clothes?! Jack is beautiful, oops - handsome, with a tutu or covered with oobleck.
I am awed by his natural response to music; he has impressive rhythm and agility when playing instruments and dancing. Grace taught him well.
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