Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Glue Dough!

Grace and Jack worked together today to make glue dough! Here is the recipe:


1/4 cup white glue
1/4 cup water
3/4 cup flour
3/4 cup cornstarch
10-15 drops of food coloring

  • Mix white glue, water and food coloring in a small bowl
  • In a separate bowl, combine the flour and cornstarch
  • Add the flour & cornstarch to the water & glue mixture and mix really well
I love when Grace and Jack make mixtures like this one because it provides them with lots of opportunities to practice measuring. I recently read an article written by a high school science teacher that said many middle and high school students are unable to measure accurately and it is this lack of skill that causes difficulties for them in school. Grace and Jack had the best time playing with this sticky dough. In addition to practicing measuring, the glue dough was a terrific sensory activity too!

1 comment:

just incredible, said...

Another Science and Math Day!
I can't get enough of this sparkling day with those two engaging children.
I can hear all the ooohs and awes all the way here.
I found your mention of the importance of measuring to be quite interesting, Rebecca. Food for though, indeed.

How wonderfully wonderful that Jack & Grace are given all these opportunities for learning, exploring, and just pure childhood fun. I'm in love with all that you do!

Have a Terrific Thursday.
Love to You, Maddy

Got Gracie, Jack & Eve?