2 Years, 9 Months Old!
Our Amazing Grace turned 2 years, 9 months old today. It's so hard to believe Grace will be three years old in just three short months. Here are some of Grace's favorite things: learning anything and everything (!), books, reading, rhyming, nature, playing outside, playgrounds, painting, drawing, music, music group, stamping, singing, dancing, swimming, taking care of her stuffed animal friends (Ella, Key, Eliza Jane, Marmalade), phones, cooking & baking, meeting new people, the Children's Museum, numbers/counting, story time at the library, animals, getting dressed, giving haircuts, going to the lake, being silly with Jack, asking questions, family, fairs, and parades. We love you so very much Gracie girl! You continue to amaze me with how quickly you learn and how much you know. What a kind, gentle, and sweet soul you have. Thank you for keeping us all laughing each day with you tremendous sense of humor. You always leave a lasting impression to all those who meet you! What a very, very special little girl you are.
Oh, Rebecca, what a wonderful job of describing our Grace!
She is one little girl that is hard to put into words.
My eyes are full of the happiest tears every single time I read about her. I LOVE Grace SOOOOOO
Very Much. I have always thought about her (my whole life!) but never-ever could have imagined all that Grace is.
I consider myself to be the most important Maddy in the whole wide world because of Grace.
Rebecca, you so know your daughter.
She has thrived with the love, encouragement, nurturing, learning, and experiences you and Rob have gifted her with. She is an awesome, life and love exuding little girl. We love every bit of her.
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