Eight Months Old!
Our happy boy turned eight months old today. Jack has changed so much over the past month. He is now crawling and he loves to talk! Jack brings a smile to everyone's face and he continues to light up a room with his bright blue eyes and priceless smile. Jack has learned to use a pincer grasp and works very hard to pick up tiny finger foods. Jack understands so many words and he loves sign language. Some of Jack's favorite things include the following: books, being outside, going to the lake, finger painting, balloons, Grace, cars, trucks, motorcycles, mirrors, animals, balls, trees, his Monkey, music, dancing, his jump-a-oo, bubbles, holding onto his own spoon, and silly faces & sounds. Happy 8 months, sweet Jack-a-roo. Thank you for bringing such great joy and happiness to our lives.
Happy Day of Your Birth, Jack! Not only have you changed, but the lives of all of us have changed too. It's nearly impossible to imagine what it was like before you entered our world. How lucky and blessed are we!!!
Hugs and kisses and more hugs and kisses,
Memere and Pepere
Memere & Pepere said it exactly right -- how blessed and happy we are that Jack is in our lives!
He is the cutest and sweetest little boy! Those big blue eyes of his are amazing.
I Love Him More Than Words Can Say,
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