Gracie Offers A Helping Hand
In everyone's life a little Elmo must fall. Little Gracie happened upon a large community of Elmos at Toys R' Us this afternoon. She passed by the healthy TMX Elmos, Tickle Me Elmos, Elmo chairs, Hokey Pokey Elmos, Elmo phones, Pick-Me-Up Elmos, etc., to help this one rather large injured Elmo. Grace promptly picked up this Elmo and handed it to Mommy and Daddy to bring it home to help it heal.
Dearest Grace!
First of all, it is wonderful to see you again! You look even cuter than before you were all sick---how if that even possible?! I am very glad that you are being so kind to others. Thank you for taking care of people/Elmos that are in need of a little Gracie care. Just another thing that makes you so special. Poppy and I are wondering if Mommy and Daddy did take that Elmo home for you to take care of!?! Or, if Toys R' Us was able to do it for you!? I've heard that they are very good at it, too!
We LOVE You More Than ALL the Elmos in the Whole Entire World,
Maddy & Poppy
We have Elmo & are taking good care of him!
Hi Legers, glad to hear that you guys are feeling better now. I thought it was strange that there were not any new pictures for a couple of days. Just wanted to tell you guys Merry Christmas....I bet Grace will have a blast opening up her presents. Looking forward to seeing the pictures soon. Enjoy your Christmas.
Aunt Melinda
What is a friend for but to be there in the good times and the hurting times. You already know that, Grace, good for YOU!
Elmo must have gotten better much faster because you lent him a helping hand.
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