We had an AMAZING day today as we took Grace to see Sesame Street Live ~ Elmo Makes Music! Grace's love of Elmo started when she received an Elmo doll as a baby. Grace excitedly points to every Elmo she sees wherever we go. Elmo seems to be EVERYWHERE! Since we do not have Grace watch television, she has never seen Elmo move nor has she seen Sesame Street so we couldn't wait to take Grace to the show today. We were very curious to see how Grace would react to seeing a real live Elmo. Grace didn't move a muscle for the first fifteen minutes of the show. She was mesmerized by seeing Elmo move, talk, dance, and sing. It must have been magic to her! After the initial shock wore off, Grace vigorously signed "more" and loudly said, "oh" each time the characters finished singing a song. Grace also kept extending both of her arms out to try to touch Elmo on the stage. Her little pointer finger was working nonstop throughout the show!
Grace loved Sesame Street Live so much that during intermission she ventured out into the lobby, grabbed a sign nearly twice as tall as she is, and started walking away with it! We think she wanted to take it home as a souvenir.
Dearest Grace,
What a treat to see your first live stage performance. Isn't the theater spellbinding! Poppy thinks so(for many reasons...ask Mommy & Daddy about that!!)!
We know how much you adore Elmo. We think it is those big eyes of his! We are thrilled that you had this experience.
We Love You, Grace!
Maddy and Poppy
PS. We are very, very proud and happy that you have not been exposed to any television. Your deep love and enjoyment of books has made you such an inquisitive and strong learner. Imaginary play with your toys is so much more important, special and self-directed than just sitting and watching TV. Studies have proven this---but your parents made this decision for you because of their love of learning! Rebecca, we know that your day is full of non-stop activity with Grace. You are giving her a gift that will carry her through her preschool years and so far beyond. I have seen it time and time again at school. The children that have NOT been exposed to television are the most creative and intelligent. Bravo, for you! We are so proud!
Yeah, Elmo! Yeah, Grace!
Big hugs to you too!
i applaud your no tv rule for grace. my children grew up without watching tv. because of the chose we made early on - i have three wonderful creative, intelligent and curious adults. maddy said it all - the love of books, imaginary play and their curiosity will only intensify without the competition of tv.
you are amazing parents.
love, elsie
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