Eve LOVED playing with the pumpkin pulp and seeds that Grace and Jack scooped out of our jack-o'-lantern. By the time Eve was done playing she had tasted the pumpkin, had pumpkin on her from head to toe and she was surrounded by pumpkin seeds! It was so much fun for all of us to watch and hear Eve have such a great time with the pumpkin.

That Evey Pie is so so so so cute...one could squeeze that little pumpkin so tight just as she did with the pulp. She is so loved and adored as the baby of the family, just as it should be. Love that pumpkin on her face and that last photo from above is positively precious.
Love forever and ever,
ps--I love your pigtails, Eve.
This is quite an accomplishment when you are not even one year old yet.
Eve constantly amazes us.
Cute as ever, even when covered and surrounded by pumpkin pulp and seeds.
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