"I'm Nine Months Old!"
Here I am relaxing on the hammock reflecting back on the busy month I've just had! I'm so happy to share with you some of my accomplishments and experiences this past month: - I now cruise quickly along furniture with only one hand holding on. I'm also starting to lift my hand off and walk all by myself beside furniture too!
- I can't wait any longer to tell the whole world my big piece of news --- I'VE STARTED TO WALK!!!!!!!!! I've gotten very good at taking 1-2 steps but just this past week I took six steps all by myself at the Children's Museum!
- I can walk with one hand held.
- I climbed stairs for the first time. Climbing is great! I love to climb on my favorite step stool too in order to check out what goes on in higher places. For some reason my Mommy comes running whenever I do this. The other day she found me hanging from the side of our stairs.....that was fun!
- I learned how to pull, twist, slide, and push switches on toys to make animals pop up!
- I love to babble, squeal, laugh, smile, and I'm continuing to work on saying words. I've become very good at saying, "bye-bye." I also love to wave hello and goodbye. I love to say "ah" when riding in my stroller or when being bounced because my voice sounds funny!
- I sign "more." Mommy is SOOOOO excited about me doing this! I like to use the sign for more when I'm eating and also to tell Mommy & Daddy that I want more silly games. I'm starting to use the sign for "all done" too. Mommy is teaching me so many fun signs.
- I love to clap my hands. I know to clap my hands together when Mommy says, "Grace, do pat-a-cake." I also clap my hands and say, "ay" after I do something great like point to a picture or say a word. Oh, and I started pointing this past month too! I'm so happy that I can now show Mommy & Daddy how many pictures, objects, and words that I know and understand! I can even point to very tiny pictures like the clocks in "Goodnight Moon" and to the tiniest of ladybugs in my books.
- I know many body parts. I can point to my Mommy's hair, nose, eyes, and mouth! I can also point to my own toes.
- I learned how to blow bubbles through a straw. Sometimes it is more fun to blow water bubbles than it is to drink the water!
- I tried all kinds of new foods this month. I have had toast, yogurt, cottage cheese (my favorite), cheese, juice, kale, nutritional yeast, and spinach.
- Mommy calls me a "Spice Girl" because I've had spices added to my foods! I love curry and cumin in my rice and lentils, cinnamon in my sweet potatoes and apples, and mint mixed with my peas and yogurt. I love my spicy new life!
- I have another tooth for a total of seven.
- I know how to use objects - I love to hold a brush and brush Mommy & Daddy's hair
- Some of my favorite things are: the Children's Museum, books, balls, blocks, Raffi, bubbles, Ella, O cereal, experiencing new places, going for walks, flowers, clocks (I can find every clock in our house and in books) and LADYBUGS. I can't get enough of ladybugs.
We are very excited, happy, proud and full of love for all of your accomplishments, Amazing Grace!
We will be rereading this incredible list over and over. I'll send you the "Tick-Tock" song to go along with your love of clocks and look for a package with a little something I made just for you with your favorite thing-ladybugs. You are thought-provoking, enchanting, irresistible and so sweet and cute, cute, cute! We LOVE you, Amazing Grace right along each new thing that you learn,
Your hugely loving Grandparents,
Maddy and Poppy
Just a short message to wish you a happy nine month birthday! I loved reading about all of your accomplishments. City Market is crazy with Labor Day shopping today.
Love, Uncle Adam
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