Goodness Grace......She's Walking!!!!!!!!!!
Grace has been taking more & more steps over the past few weeks, however, this week she has really taken off. Walking has now become Grace's primary mode of getting around. She is walking all over our house, outside, and any place we go (and loving all the attention she has been receiving from her great new achievement). All Gracie girl needs now is a pair of red cowgirl boots to go with her outfit and she'll really be good to go!!!!!!!
Dear Grace,
I love these walking pictures!!!! This is yet another way that you remind us of your Mommy...both she and Uncle Adam walked at 9 months, too. You are just full-speed ahead now and Poppy & I LOVE it. I am just holding my breath as you take each step. Happy trails to you!
"Walking on Sunshine" Maddy
I Love You. XO
Unbelievable that you managed to walk so early Grace, yet not totality surprising considering how great you are. Soon you can play all sorts of fun games and go exploring around with your parents. I hope (even though I already know) that you have cute shoes and boots picked out! You can demonstrate your new moves in October when I come to visit.
Love, Uncle Adam
Yeah!!!!!!!! What a strong girl you are! Things certainly look different when you're at a different level. Enjoy a whole new world.
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