We received our first snowfall of the season yesterday. Oh my! The last time I recall snow falling in October was during my freshman year of college. We only received a little dusting yesterday but I don't think we'll have to wait too long for some more snow to fall. We are preparing for a "historic" October snowstorm tonight and into tomorrow with up to a foot of snow expected to fall. I know three little ones here who think that this would be the absolute best Halloween treat of all!
Grace and Jack were the first ones up yesterday morning. I told them that there was a big surprise waiting for them outside but that they would have to wait until the sun woke up in order to really see it! Once the sun rose we quickly bundled up and headed outside. Grace and Jack couldn't believe their eyes when they walked outside. They kept picking up handfuls of snow to examine it and they had the best time playing in the snow together. Eve woke up a short time later and she was very excited to experience a whole new world outside too! What a fun winter it will be with our snow loving Grace, Jack and Eve.
Love your beautiful photos of a magical event in October, Rebecca! You captured the white of the snow along with the 'still' remaining Autumn colors right along with those colorful children! They are just as cute as can be in the early morning snow. And our Baby Eve and her very first snow sensation, how wonderful!
Love, Mom
So often when I log on to "Little Legers", I get to see things differently or more acutely, and this is one of those times. I'll try to hold on to the wonder of winter's wonderland during the months ahead.
Coming back to these pictures should do the trick.
Love, hugs, kisses, and tickles,
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