I love sensory bins. I love how they target all of the senses. I love how they teach so many educational and developmental skills (fine motor, transferring, matching, measuring, patterns, sorting, classifying, etc.). I also love how much they encourage imaginative play!
Once the cold weather arrived I knew that we would be spending much more time inside, especially upstairs in our playroom. I really wanted to set up a permanent sensory bin that would always be accessible during the winter months. It occurred to me that our outside sandbox would be perfect to transform into an indoor sensory bin. Grace, Jack and Eve talked about what type of materials they would want inside of their sensory box. Some choices discussed were beans, rice and pasta but they ended up deciding on corn kernels! What I love so much about this sensory box is that it is always accessible, that it is big enough for all three of my children to use at the same time and how each child uses it in a very different way! Jack typically uses the sensory box as a construction zone, Grace uses it for cooking and baking and Eve uses it to practice measuring, scooping and pouring. I also love how they each choose their own materials/toys/items to use inside of the sensory box.

There is so much that they learn from these sensory tables. Any time that I have been visiting, they gravitate to the table. A success in more ways than one.
You probably have no-idea how much I am loving/missing Evey Pie, Jack-a-roo, and Gracie Girl right now....I know that most of you are under-the-weather. :(
I love your sensory bin and all that it offers to everyone. I enjoy playing in ALL the sensory bins that you have created through the years, who wouldn't!! This is the biggest one yet! Great imaginative idea! ♥
Rebecca, you are such an inventive and innovative Mama. You provide the kiddos with such inspiration to express so many skills.
May ALL of you be well and may ALL the germs and illnesses be part of the past very soon.
Love everything and all of you with my whole heart & soul,
ps...Oh, January, you are a difficult month for germs, but you are just about over. The children are so so sweet in these photos!
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