Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Five Months Old

Our sweet baby girl turns five months old today. Eve had three favorite things: talking (lots!), standing and watching EVERYTHING that goes on around her. Eve's big, bright, beautiful blue eyes don't miss a thing!!! Eve has added so much joy, love and happiness to our family and I love how much Grace & Jack adore her. Eve loves Grace and Jack so much and she saves some of her biggest smiles just for them. Happy five months, sweet Eve.

1 comment:

for our most beautiful Eve, said...

What a joy! Do you know how wonderful it is to have this Beautiful Girl as part of our family! Eve is just a bundle of love that one could never get enough of. It is going to be such a phenomenal ride to watch this little one grow up. Eve just glows!
Eve, we love you so much. You are the icing on the Leger family cake.
Maddy and Poppy

Got Gracie, Jack & Eve?