Our Little Book Worm!
We had a fairly long wait at the doctor's office yesterday before my ultrasound. There were many first time expectant mothers that were also waiting for their appointments. It was nice to see their frowns turn to big smiles as they watched our Gracie girl in action. Grace always seems to bring a smile to those around her! After observing Grace for awhile, one woman turned to us and asked, "How old is your daughter? She is very smart and so verbal. Does she watch those Baby Einstein DVD's?" Bob & I just smiled and said, "no." We explained how much Grace loves books and how much she has learned from being read to every day since she was a baby. We didn't tell her that Grace has never watched television nor seen a DVD or movie. We were such proud parents as Grace ran around counting the number of green chairs, socialized politely with another little girl, and excitedly described many of the pictures in the children's magazines while sounding out words such as "c-a-t, cat" and "d, d, dog." The magic of books!
Reading this makes me so joyful and so proud! Bob & Rebecca, you are the best parents. I know how much Grace loves her books! I find it amazing that she has all of them memorized. Her letter sense is so advanced, it's incredible. Hip, hip hooray to you for setting such a high standard for your family. It is so refreshing and captivating to have a granddaughter that is sharing in your nurturing environment. You truly understand the importance of engaging a child. What a truly beautiful and inspirational family you have!
Life with children~just the way it should be.
It makes my teacher's heart sing to see such a young child throughly LOVE books... She so reminds me of my "little" girl - Sarah, who at almost 22, finds books her most prized, treasured possessions books! They have taken her on many adventures... Keep reading sweet Grace, Oh, the places you'll go...
Hugs from chilly Vermont.
Donna xoxo
I'm not surprised that she's attracting so much attention; she is so outgoing and cute and smart!!!
Love the shirt!!! Grace, you have the best shirts and outfits.
Love you much,
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