Saturday, April 18, 2015

Spring Vacation!

Grace and Jack's spring vacation started yesterday. Hooray!  We are all so excited and happy to be home together for the next week.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The End of Our Day

What a beautiful end to a beautiful day with my three little loves yesterday. It was also the first day we heard the spring peepers's one of our very favorite sounds of spring.

Dining Out!

What a huge treat it was for us to be able to "dine out" earlier this week!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Grace's Debut Performance at the Portland Stage Company!

Grace participated in a musical theater workshop at the Portland Stage Company this morning. She loved working alongside the professional actors of this amazing company. It was a fun morning filled with improvisation, music, and dance followed by a live theater performance!

April Showers...The Snow Kind.

It's almost mid-April and we are still shoveling snow. Oh my!  Even my snow loving Jack said to me the other morning, "I'm starting to think I really like summer now!"

Easter "Morning" in the Middle of the Night!

At 12:55 a.m. on Easter I heard Jack call out, "Mama!" I immediately jumped out of bed and ran down the hallway to Jack's room thinking he must be sick. Instead I was greeted with "Happy Easter, Mama!" from a smiling and very much awake Jack.  Although my children have always been very early risers, especially on holiday mornings, this one was by far the earliest! Jack and I spent the next twenty minutes together looking at the little treasures in his Easter basket before I tucked Jack into bed for the second time that night.  This was the best and earliest start to Easter I have ever had!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Eve & Bunny

Sweet Eve sleeping with her bunny on the night before Easter.

An Easter Snack Surprise!

My favorite day of the year to pack my children's school snacks is Friday before Easter. I filled their snack bags with grass and put their snacks foods inside of Easter eggs. It was a big surprise and a fun little discovery for Grace and Jack at school yesterday!