Saturday, April 11, 2015

Easter "Morning" in the Middle of the Night!

At 12:55 a.m. on Easter I heard Jack call out, "Mama!" I immediately jumped out of bed and ran down the hallway to Jack's room thinking he must be sick. Instead I was greeted with "Happy Easter, Mama!" from a smiling and very much awake Jack.  Although my children have always been very early risers, especially on holiday mornings, this one was by far the earliest! Jack and I spent the next twenty minutes together looking at the little treasures in his Easter basket before I tucked Jack into bed for the second time that night.  This was the best and earliest start to Easter I have ever had!

1 comment:

  1. Dad and I are smiling and loving hearing this story of Jack. This is the best story of Easter! Today is the day PopPop went to Heaven. He is sending down his sweet, kind, strong and gentle love to Jack.
