Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Beginning of Soccer Season...

Soccer season officially started for our family this evening.  Jack had his first practice tonight.  Grace's first practice begins next week and Eve is joining the Little Kicks soccer team in September.  Also, Bob is the assistant coach of Jack's team.  We have games every Saturday morning beginning in September.  It's definitely going to be a fun filled season for us!

I have many more pictures of Jack at his first practice, which I will post soon.  It was such a joy for me to watch Jack at soccer practice tonight.  He is a super little soccer player but what I loved the most was watching Jack smile and giggle throughout the entire practice!  He was so happy to be playing. 


  1. Super, super cute! Jack is just as cute as they come!

    Love seeing Jack out there on the soccer field! Your family will be quite busy with all three children playing soccer this Fall. Rebecca does this make you an official "Soccer Mom"?! Though I was/am really not ever really sure what that term meant!! Laughing, aren't you!

    Wishing Grace, Jack, and Eve (the Little Kicks, oh my!!) a terrific season. Wishing Bob a wonderful couching this so much! And, wishing Rebecca the energy to keep up with the schedule and the power to feed everyone on the road and in the car!!!

    Love to all the Kickers,
    Maddy it just me or can you take a little glimpse into the future and see Jack as a teenager in these photos?! Loving his hair and that Middlebury College shirt!!! xox


  2. okay--I know the difference between couching and coaching but it was Willie (CAT)!! Really, he lays himself down right in front of the screen and I cannot type correctly while one hand is on the keyboard and the other is holding my coffee! Dad says I blame everything on Willie!!

  3. Yeah, Leger soccer players!!! All that running and kicking up and down the field, capturing the ball, turning it around, making goals, and best of all, you'll be playing as part of a team. New friends at school and new ffriends on the field. What a way to start the Fall season!

    Grace and Jack have done it before, and very well too, and now Eve starts! I did not know that they could start so young. She will amaze viewers with her running.

    Rob, I am thrilled that you are getting back into soccer! This time you can use your know-how and experience to plant the seeds, encourage them, and hang back and enjoy them grow. (Keep your sense of humor. They don't really think they need a coach because they can "kick" the ball and they can run, and who said that the goal had to be in their net, or that their playing together meant with their team, or they couldn't take a break when they wanted to.)

    Rebecca, do you see "water girl" in your future? Always, schedule keeper. Oh yes, and photographer.

    Love to you all, over and over again,

    P.S. We'll see you at a game.
