Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Picking Raspberries


  1. When picking apples and peaches, you can move along smoothly and the bag or bucket fills up rather quickly. However, when picking raspberries or blackberries, it is a very different story - thorns and little fruit. Kudos to Jack, Grace,and Eve for their interest and perseverance.

    I noticed how clever and observant they are, finding berries on the outer parts of the bush. Jack even knelt down to pick a lush

    Rebecca, I am so often taken aback by how your photos can capture their personalities: Jack the focused doer and worker; Grace looks like she's either counting her berries or somehow assessing her collection, and Eve, participating, but also observing and getting the lay of the land. They are each so precious.

    Hugs and raspberry kisses,


  2. Just when I thought it couldn't get any sweeter or cuter than you move to delicious raspberries!

    I love all of your captures, too! You do take the most amazing photos, Rebecca. There is just something so timeless about them especially #4 and #6. These could equally have been from the 1940's....incredible and memorable.

    I love how you are spending these last weeks/days before a whole new chapter begins with the onset of school days. True childhood memories of Summer.

    Love, Maddy
