Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Grace's Picture Appears in our Local Paper!
Here is Grace's picture that was taken at Art in the Park a few weekends ago. It appeared in our local paper!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Matching Colors Found In Nature to Paint Samples
I always have lots of paint samples on hand. You can do SO MUCH with them! We were all quite excited to get back outside today after being inside most of yesterday during the storm. Before going out this morning, I placed a pile of paint samples on our art table. I asked Grace and Jack to choose some colors. Next, they used a hole punch to make a hole at the top of their paint sample cards. They placed all of their cards on a ring. Grace and Jack couldn't wait to hear what they were going to do with their color rings. The purpose of this activity was for us to go outside to try to match all of the colors on their paint sample color rings to colors found in nature!
Here is Jack's color ring. I love how the Better Homes paint samples have perforated circles in them. Removing the circles, hole punching and placing the cards on a ring was also a great fine motor activity!
Below are some pictures of Grace and Jack outside color matching. This activity was an instant hit!
Once Grace and Jack found items in nature that matched to their paint samples they brought their items to Eve. Eve had her own set of paint samples and Grace and Jack were so sweet talking to Eve all about colors and helping her to match the items to her paint samples! Eve also loved playing with the color swatches.
After the outdoor color matching activity we all went on a nature walk to pick wildflowers. Once we arrived home we placed our flowers in a glass jar and cut up more paint samples that matched to the colors of the flowers we picked! Many of our flowers were ones that bloomed from the seed orbs that Maddy gave us. Grace and Jack planted the orbs on the first day of summer. Click here to see!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Making The Best of It...
Hurricane Irene came through Maine today. Since they are so young, I did not want my children to be frightened by the storm so before it got too windy outside we took Grace and Jack out to play in all of the puddles that Irene brought us overnight. Grace and Jack could not have been any happier to splash, jump, slide and tumble in all of the rain puddles. They especially loved it when it began to pour (!) as they were playing outside. By the end of the adventure both Grace and Jack had removed their socks and boots to play and were happily soaked from head to toe.
We are still feeling the effects of Irene right now. It is VERY windy here but we are so fortunate that most of the heavy rain subsided earlier this afternoon and that we still have electricity as of 8:45 p.m.. My thoughts tonight our with my family in Vermont, Delaware, New Jersey and Massachusetts and to all those who were in Irene's path.
...and our sweet baby girl was sleeping safely inside (taking her morning nap) while Grace and Jack were out splashing in the puddles. During the storm, Eve enjoyed staying inside all day in her pajamas! I took this picture of Eve early this afternoon while she was watching Grace and Jack perform a dance and music recital. Isn't she just sooooo sweet?!!!! I am so relieved knowing that all three of my children are sleeping safely tonight.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Art in the Park
We attended South Portland's annual Art in the Park Show earlier this month. The show is held in Mill Creek Park, an area that we visit often to have a picnic and to feed the ducks around the pond. Art in the Park features original art and photography by over 185 artists. The artwork is displayed under tents around the pond and throughout the park. It is visually stunning!
Grace loved holding Eve at the park during a music concert by Rick Charette, who is a famous Maine children's singer and songwriter. Grace and Eve are so incredibly sweet together! I love how much Eve loves being with her big sister.
Grace and Jack participated in the Kids in the Park portion of the show. Kids in the Park is an area designated for children where they can make their own artwork. In the picture above, Grace is working on making a knapsack. Grace's picture appeared in our local newspaper showing her making this knapsack. I'll post Grace's newspaper picture tomorrow. Yeah, Grace!
Jack loved all of the art materials at the knapsack table. His tiny fingers worked so hard to make a beautiful knapsack. Jack and Grace also enjoyed getting their face painted at Kids in the Park.
Jack couldn't wait to put his knapsack on once it was finished. Jack proudly wore it around the park for everyone to see!
This picture of Grace was taken during the Rick Charette music concert. I love what a free spirit our Gracie girl is!
Eve loved Art in the Park. Eve is now crawling (!!!!!!) and she enjoyed crawling on the grass during Kids in the Park. Eve kept squealing so that everyone would look at her!
Jack admired all of the tents around the pond.
Grace was amazed by how large the Black-Eyed Susan flowers were in the flower garden at Mill Creek park.
Grace and Jack really enjoyed talking to a little girl named Ella, who had her art displayed at the show. Grace and Jack talked about having their own art tent at the show some day, just like Ella!
Grace and Jack standing together watching Rick Charette perform.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Ogunquit Beach
I love how much Jack enjoys the beach. All Jack needs is a stick and he could spend all day imagining, building, designing castles and drawing in the sand. On this day at Ogunquit, Jack had fun building sand castles, filling his bucket with water, dancing in the waves, playing ball and practicing his surfing.
Eve is a beach baby! She loves kicking her feet in the sand and touching it with her hands. Eve also enjoys sitting in the sand and feeling the waves come in along the shoreline. On this day at Ogunquit, Eve spent most of our time their napping, therefore, I only have these two pictures of her. Eve will have her own special seven month old post coming soon!