Saturday, December 4, 2010

The First Snowfall of the Season

We woke up to a little snow on the ground this morning! We grabbed our hats and boots and headed outside for a few minutes to experience the first snowfall of the season.


  1. no snow in Vermont!,December 4, 2010 at 9:12 AM

    Oh, no you HAVE snow before we do here in Vermont!!

    You can't imagine how much fun it is for us to see these 'snowbabies' on a Saturday morning enjoying nature to its fullest especially in footies! Love it-Love it!

    We know that we made predictions with Grace about a big snowstorm before Christmas--does this count for Grace?!

    Love to Jack Frost and Amazing Grace,
    Maddy + Poppy

  2. Oh, such pristine glee!

    I remember loving snow days too, but but my motivation was not so innocent or pure.

    You lift our hearts, Grace and Jack. You make the sun shine.

