Friday, December 3, 2010

Birthday Girl!

When Grace woke up on her birthday yesterday the first words we heard from her were, "I'm FOUR!" Grace thought it was very funny that Daddy called her "Four" all day instead of Grace! We went to music group in the morning and Grace was so excited that all of her music group friends sang Happy Birthday to her. We then had lunch with Daddy followed by some special birthday shopping and riding on an old fashioned carousel. It was a great day! Happy Birthday to our AMAZING Grace.


  1. Happy Birthday Gracie Girl:

    Wow...can you really be 4 years old already?

    The best is still yet to be. Watch out, world, here comes Grace Leger.

    Maddy, Uncle Adam, & I love you to the moon and back.

    Love, Poppy

  2. Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday, dear Grace,
    Happy 4th Birthday to you!
    Hip, hip hooray!!!!


    P.S. Maddy, you outfitted Grace beautifully, in true Pink Princess
