Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Slideshow!

Fun in Vermont
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Grace celebrated the first weekend of autumn at Maddy & Poppy's house in Middlebury, Vermont. She visited Maddy's classroom, saw a yellow school bus, found every pumpkin big & small in Middlebury, went to the local bookstore and library, crossed the footbridge over the falls, saw the Town Hall Theater where Poppy is the treasurer, and played at the park all while Mommy & Daddy attended a wedding. It was an unforgettable weekend and the perfect way to celebrate the arrival of autumn.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

"Apple of My Eye"

Throughout the month of September we have been eating, picking, smelling, touching, and reading all about apples. Grace and I made glittery apple prints together today ~ what a perfect way to spend our rainy morning. And now we're moving on to pumpkins!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

"Welcome Home Daddy!"

"Hip, hip, hooray, my Daddy is back home. He was away all last week on a business trip in San Diego, California. Mommy & I picked him up from the airport this morning and we couldn't be any happier to have him home again! We love you Daddy."

Friday, September 21, 2007

Goodness Grace......She's Walking!!!!!!!!!!

Grace has been taking more & more steps over the past few weeks, however, this week she has really taken off. Walking has now become Grace's primary mode of getting around. She is walking all over our house, outside, and any place we go (and loving all the attention she has been receiving from her great new achievement). All Gracie girl needs now is a pair of red cowgirl boots to go with her outfit and she'll really be good to go!!!!!!!

Monday, September 17, 2007

On Second Thought...Maybe A Ladybug Background Wasn't Such A Good Idea After All!!!

Ummmm....there won't be any pictures posted for a few days because our laptop computer is only hanging on by a thin little wire. Literally.

Since Grace LOVES ladybugs soooooooo much I thought it would be fun to add ladybugs to the background of our computer for her. Silly me! Grace took one look at the ladybugs and was so excited that she practically attacked the computer. I couldn't catch her in time and the monitor nearly snapped off. Once our computer is fixed I think I'll need to stick to a plain background and I think Daddy wholeheartedly agrees!!

:) :) :)

Saturday, September 15, 2007

"Look at Me Mommy & Daddy, I'm Ready for School!"

Even though her tiny feet don't yet touch the floor, it looks as though Grace is ready for school in her new "desk." Grace is ready for all kinds of new learning adventures now ~ painting, drawing, and puzzles just to name a few. After introducing Grace to her new desk, Daddy and Mommy went out and bought Grace her first set of markers. Daddy wanted to get permanent Sharpie markers for Grace because he liked the colors. Don't worry though, Mommy ended up getting the Crayola washable (and non-toxic) ones!!

Silly Daddy!

Grace LOVES being a flying baby with her Daddy. These two have such a fun time together!

Where's Grace?

"Hmmmmm....I wonder if there are any more toys in here?"

Friday, September 14, 2007

Grace and I spent a fun afternoon today at the Children's Museum. Each time we go it amazes me to see how much Grace has grown and changed since our previous visit Today, our sweet little Gracie girl almost got physical when a three year old toddler grabbed Grace's precious beach ball right out of her hands! Once the ball was returned to Grace, the two girls played happily together but with each girl knowing that boundaries had been crossed and new rules had been set. There is a tough new Gracie in town!!!
Thank you so much Maddy & Poppy for the family membership to the Children's Museum. What a fun & wonderful place it is for Grace to learn and grow --just as long as her beach ball isn't taken away from her again! :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

All This For a September Walk!!!

I can't believe that Grace already needs socks, shoes, a long sleeve onesie, a long sleeve shirt, a sweatshirt, pants, a hat, and Maddy's heavy fleece ladybug blanket just to go for a walk in mid-September! From the looks of it, Grace can't quite believe it either. With the exception of an occasional warm day here and there, it has been rather cool in Maine for the past several weeks. Our walk this morning was a brief one because it was soooooo windy. We had a tree come down in our front yard as I've been writing this post!

Move Over "Q," Here Comes "P!"

"Look at me Uncle Adam!"
There have been a number of inquiries about Grace's infamous "Q." Although Grace still loves her "Q" she has now moved on to "P" seen here.

Thank you, Uncle Adam, for Grace's University of Vermont sweatshirt. It gives me great joy to see Grace wearing something from UVM! Looking at Grace wearing this also brings back so many wonderful memories from our most recent visit to Burlington, Vermont!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


"Higher, Mommy......higher!"
"Yeah, this is more like it!"
"It's okay Mommy, I'll get out & push myself!"

Monday, September 10, 2007

"Sleeping?! There's No Sleeping for My Babies!"

"Oh my goodness, the baby is sleeping....""It's okay, I'll fix it Mommy!"
Grace loves baby dolls. She feeds them, combs their hair, brushes their teeth (although most times the toothbrush ends up in their eyes - poor babies!), and gives them big kisses. It's so sweet to see! Grace is also able to identify hair, nose, eyes, mouth, and toes on all of her baby dolls.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

"I Love All Things Pink"

"I'm feeling so much better! I love my new pink medicine. It tastes delicious and it is now one of my favorite things. I open my mouth up VERY WIDE whenever I see the yummy pink stuff coming. I love my pink medicine almost as much as my pink Red Sox cap."

Friday, September 7, 2007

Lots of Rest

There haven't been any posts this week because sadly our Grace has been sick with a cold. Mommy has been sick too. We are both on antibiotics so hopefully we will be feeling better by the weekend and ready to see the rest of the world again!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Apple Picking & Eating!

"I'll just sit under this apple tree looking pretty. Mommy & Daddy.... let me know when you're finished picking the apples." "I can't wait for Mommy & Daddy...I'll pick one myself."

Fun With Family!

Grace spent her nine month birthday yesterday in Leominster, Massachusetts with Pepere, Auntie Allison, Uncle Steve, and cousin Rose at a place called Davis's Farm. Grace and Rose enjoyed petting goats, sheep, pigs, deer, ducks, rabbits, geese, and cows. The two girls even got to ride a horse and a donkey! After leaving the fun-filled farm we went to meet up with Memere, who invited over many great aunts, great uncles, and cousins for Grace to meet. We enjoyed great food and even better company. Grace especially enjoyed playing on a blanket with her second cousin, Lillyanna (seen here) and of course with cousin Rose too! It was a special day for all.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

"I'm Nine Months Old!"

Here I am relaxing on the hammock reflecting back on the busy month I've just had! I'm so happy to share with you some of my accomplishments and experiences this past month:
  • I now cruise quickly along furniture with only one hand holding on. I'm also starting to lift my hand off and walk all by myself beside furniture too!
  • I can't wait any longer to tell the whole world my big piece of news --- I'VE STARTED TO WALK!!!!!!!!! I've gotten very good at taking 1-2 steps but just this past week I took six steps all by myself at the Children's Museum!
  • I can walk with one hand held.
  • I climbed stairs for the first time. Climbing is great! I love to climb on my favorite step stool too in order to check out what goes on in higher places. For some reason my Mommy comes running whenever I do this. The other day she found me hanging from the side of our stairs.....that was fun!
  • I learned how to pull, twist, slide, and push switches on toys to make animals pop up!
  • I love to babble, squeal, laugh, smile, and I'm continuing to work on saying words. I've become very good at saying, "bye-bye." I also love to wave hello and goodbye. I love to say "ah" when riding in my stroller or when being bounced because my voice sounds funny!
  • I sign "more." Mommy is SOOOOO excited about me doing this! I like to use the sign for more when I'm eating and also to tell Mommy & Daddy that I want more silly games. I'm starting to use the sign for "all done" too. Mommy is teaching me so many fun signs.
  • I love to clap my hands. I know to clap my hands together when Mommy says, "Grace, do pat-a-cake." I also clap my hands and say, "ay" after I do something great like point to a picture or say a word. Oh, and I started pointing this past month too! I'm so happy that I can now show Mommy & Daddy how many pictures, objects, and words that I know and understand! I can even point to very tiny pictures like the clocks in "Goodnight Moon" and to the tiniest of ladybugs in my books.
  • I know many body parts. I can point to my Mommy's hair, nose, eyes, and mouth! I can also point to my own toes.
  • I learned how to blow bubbles through a straw. Sometimes it is more fun to blow water bubbles than it is to drink the water!
  • I tried all kinds of new foods this month. I have had toast, yogurt, cottage cheese (my favorite), cheese, juice, kale, nutritional yeast, and spinach.
  • Mommy calls me a "Spice Girl" because I've had spices added to my foods! I love curry and cumin in my rice and lentils, cinnamon in my sweet potatoes and apples, and mint mixed with my peas and yogurt. I love my spicy new life!
  • I have another tooth for a total of seven.
  • I know how to use objects - I love to hold a brush and brush Mommy & Daddy's hair
  • Some of my favorite things are: the Children's Museum, books, balls, blocks, Raffi, bubbles, Ella, O cereal, experiencing new places, going for walks, flowers, clocks (I can find every clock in our house and in books) and LADYBUGS. I can't get enough of ladybugs.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Beep Beep!

Grace loves her car seat. Every time we go for a ride Grace will "talk" to her car toys! Grace will also bring her hands together to imitate a beeping motion whenever I sing, "The horn on the car goes beep, beep, beep." When Grace is finished with her beeping, I always say, "Yay Grace!" which then results in Grace wildly clapping her hands together while saying, "ay!" She is so proud of her beeping and of course I am too! Grace also has a squeak toy in the car, which can partially been seen in this picture. If this toy is within reach, Grace will grab that toy and make it squeak whenever she hears me say, "beep, beep!" What a fun age this is!