Saturday, September 8, 2007

"I Love All Things Pink"

"I'm feeling so much better! I love my new pink medicine. It tastes delicious and it is now one of my favorite things. I open my mouth up VERY WIDE whenever I see the yummy pink stuff coming. I love my pink medicine almost as much as my pink Red Sox cap."


  1. Dearest Grace,
    How very happy we are that you are feeling better! I love pink now, more than ever because of you, Grace. Here are some of my favorite pink things: strawberry ice-cream, conch shells, flamingos, cotton candy, pigs, Pink Floyd, pink clouds, fireworks, bubble gum, the Pink Panther, carnations, roses and tulips, and Baby Grace all pretty in PINK!
    I Love You, Your "HOT" pink Maddy!

    PS....How is Mommy feeling?
    We Love the pink Red Sox cap (EVEN Poppy!!)

  2. Princess Grace, Wow, I am so happy that you are feeling better. take all of your pink medicine. Tell Mommy and Daddy that i said "hi"
    l love you much
    Aunt Judy
