Sunday, August 12, 2007

Our Sunday Morning Hike

We enjoyed a beautiful hike through the woods this morning. Lil' Bit even joined us!


  1. "I shan't be gone come too."
    ~ Lil' Bit !

    Really: Robert Frost

    What a perfect way to enjoy a beautiful Sunday morning in August. Can fall be just around the corner? Grace, even your baby toes are in socks! We love the way your family enjoys nature.
    We love our nature-loving grand-daughter all the way up to the tallest tree!
    Maddy and Poppy

  2. Out of curiosity I have not detected the presence of the ubiQuitous orange letter "Q" in Grace's loving grasp for Quite some time...has it been filed under the missing column, perhaps mistakenly dropped along Leisure Lane or has her attention moved on to bigger and better conQuests? What a Quandary is this! Will the Queen of letters be reunited with her friend? I am feeling Queasy with Questions! I wrap myself in a cozy Quilt and sleep on it. For the letter Q is a Quintessential toy for a growing mind!
    Quadruple Love,
    Uncle Adam

  3. Dear Grace,
    I love viewing your pictures and learning of your newest adventures. You are such a lucky girl to have parents that expose you to the best Maine has to offer. I can't wait to see where autumn takes you - pumpkins, gourds, ironing leaves, perhaps??
