Saturday, August 11, 2007

I Love the Fair!

"Even though Mommy & Daddy still won't let me have any fried dough at the fair, the onion rings were great!"

Grace enjoyed watching her first "cutting" competition. Grace tried to convince us that she was ready to get into the ring.


  1. i just totally love this picture!!!!;-) what a beautiful smile. live is good ;-)

    love, elsie

  2. Hi Happy Grace,
    I really looks like all of you had a great day at the fair. Did you show Pepere all the sights and sounds? I bet that I can guess what your favorite thing was---the animals!!
    Love you fair girl, Maddy

  3. Hi baby Grace. You sure look happy in this picture. What is fried it better than kandy Kakes? You are so pretty and bright eyed. Glad you had a great time at the fair.
    We love you,
    Uncle Mike and Aunt Melinda

  4. Melinda, they call it fried dough up here but I am thinking that you might know it by the name funnel cakes! Walter said that NOTHING is better than a kandy kake! He cannot wait to share one with Grace. Rebecca, I am not sure you will agree to a kandy kake any time soon for Grace. But, we DO have some for you & Bob from Delaware!!
    LOVE, Mary Ann/Mom/Maddy
