Tuesday, August 28, 2007

NIne Month Wellness Check

Gracie had her nine month wellness check a few days before her nine month birthday. Grace was seen by a wonderful new pediatrician by the name of Dr. Russell Britton. Grace now weighs 18.5 pounds (50th percentile) and is 28 inches long (70th percentile).


  1. "This a beautiful picture of Grace. I miss you very, very much and as I tell Mommy and Daddy, you are so cute...I could just squeeze the baby LOVE right out of you!!"

    I Love You, Grace more than all the Ellas in the whole wide world!

  2. Congratulations, Grace. You've done your job well, eating all those veggies and fruits and exercising with pull ups and MOVEMENT. The result, a great check up.
    Love you lots and lots,

  3. Yea, I can sleep again at night, because Ella has been found. I was so worried about her. Glad she is back safely in your care. Have a great one day Grace.
    Aunt Melinda
