Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Look Who's Back!

There is no longer any need to be concerned.....ELLA IS BACK! Silly Ella spent the night at the ECHO Museum in Burlington, Vermont. Despite us asking her many, many times, Ella won't tell us a single thing about what went on at the museum that night! :)


  1. Here is the true story of the missing Ella.

    Last Wednesday, August 22, 2007 we spent a delightful day in Burlington, Vermont at the Echo Museum. Well, we didn't arrive back in Middlebury until quite late (about 5:45pm! Rebecca has Grace in bed at 6:30)because we were squeezing every minute out of the day! Mommy made Grace's dinner and I was feeding Grace. Mommy went to get everything all set up for Grace's bedtime when all of a sudden, Mommy said, "Where is the backpack?" Mommy went out to the car 3 times to try to find it!![I wanted to take Ella to show her to Uncle Adam!] Then the panic set in. We all knew that Grace cannot sleep without her Ella. [Most often you find Grace sleeping on TOP of Ella...and if you're lucky you'll know that by seeing just a little piece of Ella sticking out!!!!] Grace does have 3 Ellas but the other 2 were in Maine at her home. The other thing that you should know is that Ella (Rebecca's name for her!!) comes in 4 sizes. Grace has the smallest at 8 inches. But the elephants go up to 36 inches! When I ordered the extra 2 elephants I also purchased the Med size size which is 15 inches. What a perfect Christmas gift this will be I thought. Well, that night the 15 inch Ella came out of it's plastic bag and slept with Grace!!!! I phoned the Echo Center in the morning (with fingers crossed!!) and they said,"YES, the backpack and Ella were there!!!) We drove back up, spent another wonderful day with Uncle Adam and picked up the backpack! There was a happy ending to the story and as they say, "All's well that ends well."

    Just so you know...
    The larger 15" Ella has been put away until Christmas! Sshhh.

    Grace is learing soooo big. We told her that Ella was soooo big!!!!!!

    Hopefully, Grace will never remember ANY of this story until she reads it here someday!!!!

  2. Dear Family,

    Thank you for sharing this experience with us. We are so happy to know that Ella and Grace are back together. Maddy, Thanks for sharing the whole story about this tragic event...It was a great read. Way to go with the Larger Ella...Maddys and Mommoms always know how to save the day for their daughters and grand-daughters.

    Lots of Love to All of You,


  3. Grace, you've got a good grip on Ella now. I don't think that she wants to leave you either. Hugs to you both.
    Forever loving you,
