Friday, September 12, 2014

My Littlest Ballerina!

I had the happiest girl in all the world with me this week! Eve had her first ballet class on Wednesday morning at the Maine State Ballet. Dancing is one of Eve's most favorite things! Eve was beyond excited to go to ballet class. This will be Eve's second year of taking ballet. In this picture Eve is the little girl wearing all pink. This year Eve chose her own leotard and wanted to be in pink from head to toe. For those of you who know my little Eve, you can imagine how very exciting it was for her to shop for her own leotard at a dance store! I'll be sure to post more pictures of Eve dancing soon.


  1. Eve is so dainty yet strong--the perfect traits for a dancer.
    I love that she loves ballet so much. And I can only imagine what a good listener she is! Look at that pose!

    I love every single little thing about this littlest of the Littles!

  2. Look at her! She is so focused! And the form! She is one quick study. Everyone else appears casual, but Eve is present, attentive, and eager. What a great year this is going to be for our littlest dancer.

