Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Color Walk

Every year around this time we go on daily "color walks."  First, we paint the inside of an empty egg carton the colors of the rainbow.  We take our colored carton outside with us on long walks or hikes to try to find items in nature that match the colors of those painted inside of our egg cartons.  It is a very simple activity but it is one that has brought about so many thoughtful and insightful conversations.  It also helps us to realize each and every day how colorful and beautiful our world is.  Grace, Jack and Eve have learned so much through the years about flowers, leaves, rocks, grass, fruits, trees, weather and the seasons from this activity. Here are a few pictures from a color walk that we did around our yard last week.  By the way, we are always searching high and low for blue -- we always enjoy looking at the blue sky and the blue ocean water but it is always so hard to find tangible items to put inside of our blue compartment!


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