Friday, June 27, 2014

Higgins Beach

Jack & Eve had fun playing at Higgins Beach this evening while Grace was surfing in the water at surf camp.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Here was Eve earlier this evening sitting so sweetly on the front step that leads to our porch. She sat here so that she could watch and listen to a thunderstorm. Last summer Eve was very, very frightened of thunderstorms and would not be seen anywhere near this step. What a difference a year ever so brave littlest one!

Surf Camp!

Grace started surf camp last evening at Higgins Beach. Here is a short video of Grace's very first time riding a surf board in the water. Grace did such an amazing job and she loved every minute of it!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Fun With My Little Man!


Grace has been asking to take pictures recently.  She took these two of Jack and I yesterday playing outside in our yard.  This little man of mine is so much fun to be with.    

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Flying High!


"In the summertime when the weather is high you can stretch right up and touch the sky!"
Happy first day of summer.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Viewing the International Space Station Orbiting the Earth in the Night Sky!

We woke up Grace & Jack tonight so that they could watch the International Space Station orbiting the Earth in the night sky. Our viewing time started at 8:58 p.m. and lasted a total of four minutes. We were all amazed by how fast the Space Station traveled across the sky and how bright it was really an incredible site and one that we will always remember.