Friday, May 9, 2014

A Mother's Day Picnic at Jack's Preschool

I attended the sweetest Mother's Day picnic at Jack's preschool school this morning! 

After the picnic the children gathered together to sing three songs to the mothers - I Love Mommy, You Are My Sunshine and Skidamarinka a doo...I Love You.

After singing Jack presented me with a Mother's Day gift.

Jack made this precious hand print flower painting, which I will treasure forever!

 My sweet and happy boy!

 I wish all mothers, especially my own mom and mother-in-law, a very Happy Mother's Day weekend.  

1 comment:

  1. He is the most handsome, gorgeous, loving boy! He has given you the top pick of Mother's Day gifts - and all from the depths of his heart. He has learnt love from the best.

    Happy Mother's Day, Rebecca, may your joy runneth over!

    Love you,
