Monday, December 9, 2013

The Nutcracker Dress Rehearsal

Boys Do Dance...Maddy found this great shirt for Jack.  Maddy and Poppy live next door to a professional ballerina and ballet teacher.  A few weeks ago Maddy accompanied her neighbor to a specialized ballet store in Saratoga, New York where she found this perfect shirt for our dancing boy.  Jack was very excited to wear it to his Nutcracker dress rehearsal.

Jack waiting in the dressing area just before going on stage!

Maine State Ballet set up a large Nutcracker and a picture taking area in the dressing room.  Jack was amazed that the Nutcracker was taller than he was!

Here are some pictures of Jack on the stage during dress rehearsal...

Here is a picture of Jack outside of the Merrill Auditorium after his dress rehearsal.  He was so excited!


  1. Love the hat Jack and the t-shirt message.
    Love, Uncle Adam


  2. Jack is loaded with cuteness! He is such a boy and sprinkled with sweetness that is irresistible!

    Dad is s-t-u-n-n-e-d by Jack's resemblance to you, Rebecca...especially in that bottom photo!

    I'm so glad that I found that shirt for Jack! Perfect.

    We Love everything about Our Boy from trucks, to drums, to dance, and to his very wise observations!

    Maddy & Poppy
