Friday, December 6, 2013

Maddy & Poppy Give the Gift of Music...

My parents come to our house every year for Thanksgiving.  This time we spend together is always special because it becomes a celebration of not only Thanksgiving but also a time to celebrate Grace, Jack and Eve's birthdays, as well as Christmas....all of this rolled into one weekend!

This year Maddy and Poppy gave Grace, Jack and Eve the gift of music.  Maddy and a very good friend of hers have been searching and traveling throughout New England over the past several months to find the perfect musical instruments for Grace, Jack and Eve.  

On the night before Thanksgiving my parents, Bob and I worked very late into the night to rearrange a portion of our playroom into a music room.  On Thanksgiving morning Grace, Jack and Eve were stunned to find their playroom filled with a variety of musical instruments.  Since then, our house has been filled with beautiful music!

Here are some pictures from Thanksgiving morning.  I will be posting many more pictures of my three little musicians in the weeks to come...

Maddy and Poppy put on an unforgettable bongo performance for Grace, Jack and Eve.

Can you tell who really, really, really got into their bongo performance?!!?  We think Poppy may have missed his calling as bongo player.  :)  

Grace is so excited to have a keyboard.  Grace has been taking piano lessons since April has very quickly learned to read music, play and perform.  I love Grace's daily concerts that she performs for me on the piano and how she runs upstairs to continue to play on the keyboard.

It has been one of Jack's dreams since he was teeny tiny to have a drum set.  Jack was speechless when he first saw the drums.  Jack has always had a profound sense of rhythm and I'm amazed at how quickly he has picked up playing the drums.  What makes drumming extra fun for Jack are the glowing drum sticks!

In the picture above, Grace is showing Poppy how to play the glockenspiel.  A glockenspiel is similar to a xylophone but a xylophone's bars are made of wood, while the glockenspiel's are metal.  Also, the glockenspiel is usually smaller and higher in pitch.  

Eve is just tall enough to play the bongos!  I love how her head peeks out from behind.  

Jack playing his drum set for Poppy.

Eve loves playing the keyboard and she has fun experimenting with the various sounds the keyboard makes.  I have a feeling we may have a third pianist on our hands soon!

The Little Leger trio!

I can't thank my parents enough for these amazing instruments...your gift of music will last Grace, Jack and Eve a lifetime.  Thank you for forever filling our house with the beautiful sound of music.


  1. We are so happy that you will have even~more music in your all ready musical home! There is nothing like sharing a gift that will last a lifetime. We Love Grace, Jack, and Eve.

    Maddy & Poppy

    ps-thank you J for all of your help with this amazing gift of love.

  2. Love knows no bounds, and this proves it yet again. How thoughtful, generous, and giving!
    There will be music in the air for a long, long, long time. Grace, Jack, and Eve's hearts, as well as those of their parents, will be forever full of gratitude for this heartwarming, life giving/enriching gift.


  3. Rebecca - I bet a lot of parents would not appreciate all that noise in a home from grandparents but they do not know your mother. I love the gift and your children are beautiful. I see a lot of the Bigda's in them . Merry Christmas to all of you from Chicopee
