Saturday, December 21, 2013

Jack's Preschool Holiday Concert...

On Monday, Jack's preschool class put on a holiday concert for their families.  It was one of the sweetest things I have ever seen!  In the picture above, Jack is holding a candle that he made at school while singing "This Little Light of Mine."

Here is a picture of Jack at his school just before the concert began.  Jack looked so handsome in his bow tie.  He was very excited that morning to dress up for his big performance.  :)

Jack and his classmates waiting to perform for all of the families.

Jack singing Jingle Bells!

Jack and his classmates acted out The Mitten by Jan Brett.  Jack played the role of the badger!

Eve loved every moment of the performance.  Here she is looking at her big brother perform!

After the performance the children invited their families into the adjacent room.  As a way to thank everyone for coming the children set up a food and drink table and served each of their guests!  It was incredibly sweet for Jack to ask what we would like and to make a food plate for us.

Here is Jack pouring Eve a cup of apple cider.  Montessori programs emphasize helping children to develop independence through learning practical life skills.  Jack put his skills to work and was a true little gentleman! 

1 comment:

  1. ❤ Oh, goodness, gracious, this entire series is just so marvelous. Jack is so absolutely sweet at school (that bow tie!!). Can't get enough of how he is such a young man in picture #2...and looking so much like his Mama, to boot!

    You must have been so proud and I know that you had those special tears in your always happens at times such as these!

    Love seeing Jack. Eve looks so sweet in that dress! I so remember Grace wearing it.

    Sweet memories and applauses for Jack and his friends.
    Love, Maddy
